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Lessons Learned from COVID-19 in 2020 in Academia

  Join the WFATT 's International Webinar 2020 " Lessons Learned in Academia " on January 7, 2021 (19:00-20:30 CET). The platform of choice is Zoom... if you haven't already installed, you might want to do so after registering, ahead of the event, to be sure everything works fine ->   BE QUICK TO REGISTER! Attendance is limited to 100 participants!!!
Recent posts

Provision of services of a sports physiotherapist-coach for the Council general secretariat’s Sports Centre [EU Council tender]

The European Council is procuring services of a sports physiotherapist-coach for the Council general secretariat’s Sports Centre, more specifically for its fitness room. The main mission of the sports physiotherapist-coach will be the supervision of all users of the fitness room, including the proposal of individual programmes tailored to specific requests and needs, the provision of advice and the provision of ‘seated chair massages within an enterprise’. This image is licensed under CC BY 2.0 ; the author is  EU2017EE Estonian Presidency The services expected from the sports physiotherapist-coach are as follows: Main tasks : — check the physical condition of users of the fitness room by means of an ‘aptitude test’ before the initial registration; — initiate, support and train users in their fitness training as well as in the correct use of equipment, and validate or not, if necessary, the practice of risky exercises; — establish training programmes adapted to the needs of users

Cookies, pop-up, GDPR, DPO … Protection of personal data and informed consent

This post was co-authored by Deborah Liebart ( Data Protection Officer of the European Society of Athletic Therapy and Training ) and by Dr Salvatore Cognetti ( Medical Liaison Program director of the European Society of Athletic Therapy and Training ). It first appeared on DisputatioMagistrorum , it is associated to DOI:  10.5281/zenodo.4081241 ;  and it is licensed under CreativeCommons Attributions 4.0 At a time when, albeit understandably so in the current context, going to a restaurant in Europe involves giving our contact details, it is necessary to think about how that data is being collected, processed, and archived. Therefore, I would like to spare a few words on the text that is at the foundation of data collection practice in Europe: The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). We hear about it sporadically, but know far too little about it, and its application by data collectors is still far from perfect 1 . This image is licensed under CC BY 2.0 ; the crea

New WHO "Guidelines on mental health promotive & preventive interventions for adolescents" out

In WHO own words " The Guidelines on promotive and preventive mental health interventions for adolescents - Helping Adolescents thrive (HAT), provide evidence-informed recommendations on psychosocial interventions to promote mental health, prevent mental disorders, and reduce self-harm and other risk behaviours among adolescents ." We salute this important document with enthusiasm, and invite everyone to give it the visibility and publicity its aims deserve. If you haven't yet, download from here It is however slightly discouraging to see that, yet again, exercise and physical activity promotion are basically ignored (except for a few episodic references to preexisting guidelines)... this, despite the ever growing evidences of the bidirectional relationships existing between exercise and mental health... we need to do better and lobby for recognition in International guidelines and policy making. To get started, here is some recommended reading material: Ahead of the gam

Applying to join the "Expert Group in charge of implementation of the EU Work Plan for Sport (E01564)"

  EU has an open call to join the Expert Group that will work with the DG Education and Culture to shape and implement the policies for gender equality in sport, as part of the EU Work Plan for Sport . We are going to submit our application to join this important work group, and would like to invite you to start sharing with us your suggestions and relevant reporting (near misses or accident documentation, academic publications on the subject, project proposals, ...) so that we can be as representative as possible, should we be accepted to membership. Do not hesitate to be heard, send as an email to eusocatt[AT]gmail[DOT]com with subject "E01564 - my contribution"! We are looking forward to working with you ;)

A new venue to stay in touch, for a new course

  Dear friends, dear supporters for quite some time now we have remained in some form of a dormant state, only sharing with you publications updates, and not much else... but the time has come to give again new impulse to our initial commitment, with a renewed team, and an updated strategy! Opening this blog, and the new website  are the baby steps necessary to prepare our stage. However, fret not, for we will not forget our shared venues, and will remain in touch with you also on Twitter and Facebook  as you have become accustomed in the last few years. Soon we will start sharing with you updates and invite you to join us in action, after transparently discussing plans and expectations. For now though, we just want to renew our thanks for having remained with us through the darkest. Ad maiora!