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Provision of services of a sports physiotherapist-coach for the Council general secretariat’s Sports Centre [EU Council tender]

The European Council is procuring services of a sports physiotherapist-coach for the Council general secretariat’s Sports Centre, more specifically for its fitness room. The main mission of the sports physiotherapist-coach will be the supervision of all users of the fitness room, including the proposal of individual programmes tailored to specific requests and needs, the provision of advice and the provision of ‘seated chair massages within an enterprise’.
This image is licensed under CC BY 2.0; the author is EU2017EE Estonian Presidency

The services expected from the sports physiotherapist-coach are as follows:

Main tasks:

— check the physical condition of users of the fitness room by means of an ‘aptitude test’ before the initial registration;

— initiate, support and train users in their fitness training as well as in the correct use of equipment, and validate or not, if necessary, the practice of risky exercises;

— establish training programmes adapted to the needs of users;

— supervise users of the fitness room who have health problems;

— give any useful advice to users of the fitness room, while managing the flow of requests from different users;

— ensure proper management of the room’s users in order to guarantee that they scrupulously respect the rules of use pertaining to the fitness room;

— advise, where appropriate, the manager of the sports centre as well as the management committee on any question concerning the fitness room and the sports centre in general;

— provide seated chair massages with the aim of relieving muscle tension and reducing stress.

Ancillary tasks:

— provide documents, photos and/or videos to the GSC within the context of the objectives within the framework contract.

The services will be carried out in increments of two consecutive hours minimum, and will be distributed on the basis of 4 x 2 hours per week, subject to change.

All documentation and terms are available on the original announcement of the tender here


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